Topic- General Pharmacology

  1. Drugs following zero order kinetics have narrow margin of safety              
  2. Enumerate factor modifying drug action how liver, kidney, cardiac and thyroid status modify drug action give suitable examples                                        
  3. Role of Placebo medicine                                                                  
  4. Clinical Implication of zero order kinetics                                           
  5. Some drug require therapeutic drug monitoring                                
  6. First pass metabolism                                                                        
  7. Plateau principle                                                                                
  8. Liposomes                                                                                        
  9. Atracurium is preferred in patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction
  10. Drug antagonism                                                                               
  11. Define tachyphylaxis give suitable example                                      
  12. Enumerate methods of prolongation of drug action                           
  13. Define Pharmacogenetics with suitable example                             
  14. Write advantages of sublingual route of drug administration, name the drugs given by this route                                                                                           
  15. Elimination of weakly acidic drug in alkaline urine                            
  16. Factors affecting absorption of a drug                                             
  17. Mention first order kinetics give example                                        
  18. Transdermal therapeutic system                                                     
  19. Receptor Regulation                                                                         
  20. Plasma t ½ and its clinical significance                                            
  21. Why therapeutic drug monitoring is advice for patients on lithium therapy
  22. What is rational drug use? give one suitable example                    
  23. What is enzyme induction? mention its clinical significance            
  24. Explain why adrenaline is a life saving drug in certain conditions     
  25. Essential drug concept                                                                       
  26. Teratogenicity of drugs                                                                   
  27. Name drugs causing disulfiram like reaction                                          
  28. What is zero order kinetics give suitable examples                          
  29. Bioavailability                                                                                    
  30. Discuss anatomical passage and the enzyme involved in the first pass elimination of drugs giving special emphasis on its therapeutic implications of drug interaction and prolongation of drug effect
  31. Mention essential drug definition and four examples                       
  32. Patches of various drugs are used for clinical conditions                 

Autonomic nervous system

  1. Anticholinergics are preferred in chronic bronchitis           
  2. Drugs for open angle glaucoma                                         
  3. Two contraindication of propranolol                                   
  4. Adverse effect of atropine                                                  
  5. Prostaglandin analogues in treatment of glaucoma          
  6. Organophosphorus poisoning                                          
  7. Classify beta blockers, mechanism of action, uses, adverse drug reaction of propranolol                                                                        
  8. Latanoprost is used in wide angle glaucoma                    
  9. Explain why neostigmine is preferred over physostigmine for the treatment of myasthenia gravis                                                              
  10. Enumerate mydriatics and write their two uses                 
  11. Dopamine is used in cardiogenic shock                            
  12. Why Pilocarpine is indicated in acute angle glaucoma    
  13.  Describe briefly drawbacks of using beta blocker in clinical practice  
  14. Classify beta adrenergic receptor blocker agents? describe their pharmacological action,  therapeutic uses and adverse effects                   
  15. Anaphylactic shock     
  16. Adrenaline is drug of choice in anaphylactic shock                                                          
  17.  Motion sickness treatment                                                       
  18. Glaucoma treatment                                                                  
  19. Organophosphorus poisoning treatment                                   
  20. For Decurarization neostigmine is used along with atropine
  21. Atenolol                                                                                    
  22. Timolol is preferred over pilocarpine in glaucoma                    
  23. Role of alpha blockers in BPH                                                  
  24. Physostigmine and not neostigmine is used in atropine poisoning
  25. Adrinaline is not used in treatment of hypotension                    
  26. First dose effect of alpha blockers                                            
  27. Contraindication of beta blockers in clinical practice                
  28. Pralidoxime is used for the treatment of organophosphorus and not carbamate poisoning                                                                                  
  29. Tamsulosin is preferred over prazosin for the treatment of BPH 
  30. name the sites where beta adrenergic receptors are present and the response mediated by them                                                                     
  31. Name commonly used nasal decongestants briefly write the mechanism of action and side effect.                                                                     
  32. Flavoxate is used in bladder dysfunction.                             
  33. write two uses and adverse effect of

– adrenaline          


– prazosin             



 – Tiotropium           

Autacoids and Related drugs

  1. Four uses of H2 antihistaminics      
  2. Two uses and adverse effects of indomethacin   
  3. PCM toxicity and its antidote     
  4. Migraine         
  5. Advantage of second generation antihistamines over first generation  
  6. Allopurinol is used in chronic gout but not in acute gout   
  7. Aspirin should be stopped one week before planned surgery   
  8. Misoprostol is used for the treatment of NSAID induced peptic ulcer  
  9. Write mechanism of action of N- acetylcysteine for treating paracetamol poisoning
  10. Drugs for acute attack of gouty arthritis   
  11. Use of sumatripten in acute attack of migraine    
  12. Antiplatelet action of aspirin starts earlier than analgesic action  
  13. Name disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD,S)   
  14. Classify antihistaminic drugs discuss role of LT modifiers and write indications of montelukast 
  15. Aspirin is used in low dose is antiplatelet drug      
  16. Ranitidine is used as anti allergic drug
  17. Current status of aspirin as antiplatelet agents      
  18. Misoprostol is used to prevent NSAID induced gastropathy   
  19. Pharmacological basis of IV dinoprostone in pregnant women
  20. Pharmacological basis of clopidogrel in treatment of MI  
  21. Pharmacological basis of methotrexate in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis   
  22. Ergometrine                
  23. Mesalazine is used only as coated or delayed release preparation in ulcerative colitis
  24. Two uses and two adverse effect of

Ibuprofen        allopurinol        probenecid           sumatriptan   

Respiratory system

  1. Why mucolytics are used in productive cough?
  2. Short Note- Moderately severe asthma  
  3. Explain why i.v. corticosteroids are administered before inhalational bronchodilators in patient with status asthmaticus  
  4. classify drugs used in bronchial asthma discuss mechanism of action adverse effect clinical status of beta 2 agonist
  5. Codeine is used for treatment of dry cough only ?
  6. Two uses and two side effects of dextromethorphan  
  7. Why Antihistaminic are not effective for treatment of bronchial asthma  ? 
  8. Short Note- Acute attack of bronchial asthma Management    
  9. Status asthmaticus treatment    
  10. glucocorticoids and beta 2 adrenergic receptor agonist are mainstay of therapy of bronchial asthma    

Hormones and related drugs

  1. Describe therapeutic uses and adverse reactions of anabolic steroid 
  2. Role of uterine relaxant in clinical practice                                          
  3. Radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism                                               
  4. Adverse effect of corticosteroids                                                 
  5. Combination pill for contraception                                                       
  6. Diabetic ketoacidosis                                                                           
  7. Insulin                                                                                                   
  8. Therapeutic uses of oxytocin                                                                
  9. Note on newer insulin                                                                        
  10. what is HPA axis suppression, while using glucocorticoids? write measures to reduce it.                                                                    
  11. Enumerate Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators(SERM)  and write their uses
  12. Explain mechanism of action of combined oral contraceptive pills  
  13. Drugs used in treatment of osteoporosis                                          
  14. Enumerate therapeutic uses and adverse effect of corticosteroid therapy
  15. various insulin preparations and indications of insulin             
  16. Benefits of use of combined OCP       
  17. Name an ovulation inducing agent and its mechanism of action.   
  18. Enumerate newer insulin how do they differ from older insulin     
  19. Management of diabetic ketoacidosis                                             
  20. Rationality or irrationality on combined use of cortisol and fludrocortisone in Addison’s disease           
  21. Management of thyroid storm                                   
  22. Therapeutic uses and adverse effect of biguànides     
  23. Oxytocin for induction of labour                               
  24. Bromocriptine for suppression of lactation               
  25. Acarbose in diabetes mellitus                                  
  26. Various drugs for pph                                             
  27. Mention adverse effect of oestrogen therapy                 
  28. Mention clomiphene citrate dose, route and adverse effects.
  29. Anabolic steroid                                                                    
  30. Classify insulin analogues, mention advantages of rapidly acting analogues 
  31. Guidelines for using oral contraceptive pills
  32. Highlight the therapeutic uses and adverse effect of estrogens  
  33. Compare and contrast the important peculiarities of propylthiouracil and carbimazole
  34. Clomiphene                                                                     
  35. Role of oxytocin in obstetric patient                                                 
  36. Mifepristone                                                                     
  37. Uses of corticosteroid                                                
  38. Human insulin                                                                                    
  39. Injectable hormonal contraceptives                                                  
  40.  Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)                              
  41. Drug treatment of osteoporosis                                                          
  42. Pioglitazone                                                                                          
  43.  Fluticasone                                                                                     
  44.  Oxytocin                                                                                               
  45.  Carbimazole                                                                                    
  46.  Metformin                                  
  47. Adverse effect of corticosteroids                                       
  48. Sildenafil in in erectile dysfunction                
  49. Insulin in pregnancy                          
  50. Mechanism of action and adverse drug reaction of carbimazole

PNS (LA + Skeletal muscles relaxant)

  1. Lignocaine    
  2. Mechanism of action of lignocaine    
  3. Explain why dantrolene sodium is used in malignant hyperthermia  
  4. Large dose of lignocaine is needed for infected area  
  5. Advantages of adding a vasoconstrictor to a local anesthetic   
  6. Bupivacaine is preferred epidural anesthetic for painless delivery and postoperative analgesia 

Central Nervous system

  1. Four uses of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors  
  2. Atypical antidepressant    
  3. classify antiepileptic, describe sodium valproate and pharmacotherapy of status epilepticus      
  4. Benzodiazepines are preferred over barbiturates as sedative hypnotics   
  5. Ethanol is used for the treatment of methanol poisoning   
  6. Levodopa is combined with carbidopa/ decarboxylase inhibitors    
  7. Advantages of fosphenytoin over phenytoin  
  8. Levodopa not dopamine used in treatment of parkinsonism    
  9. Sodium valproate acid   
  10. anticholinergic drugs and not levodopa is drug of choice in iatrogenic parkinsonism
  11. Morphine sulphate is not absorbed by stomach
  12. Drug used as preanesthetic medication 
  13. Ultra short action of thiopentone sodium     
  14. Discuss in detail drugs used in parkinsonism    
  15. Methadone is used in treatment of morphine addicts 
  16. Morphine is contraindicated in patients of head injury   
  17. Why haloperidol is preferred drug for treatment of acute schizophrenia
  18. Spinal anesthesia    
  19. ketamine is preferred to thiopental for induction of general anesthesia
  20. What are the advantages of SSRI over tricyclic antidepressant  
  21. Preanesthetic agents   
  22. Parkinsonism   
  23. Methyl alcohol poisoning         
  24. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor     
  25. New antiepileptic drugs                             
  26. Discuss pharmacological basis of the treatment of opioid drug dependence  
  27. atypical antipsychotic drugs produces less incidence of drug induced parkinsonism
  28. Two uses and two adverse effects of –
  29. Lithium     
  30. Diazepam 
  31.  Tramadol  
  32.  levodopa         
  33. Opioid antagonist  
  34. ketamine       
  35. imipramine  

Cardiovascular drugs

  1. Describe therapeutic uses, adverse effect of ACE-I  in cardiovascular diseases
  2. Amlodipine for prophylaxis of angina pectoris  
  3. Explain the mechanism of action of digoxin in treatment of congestive cardiac failure
  4. Adverse effects of digoxin
  5. Classify drugs used to treat congestive cardiac failure. describe mechanism of action, uses, side effect of ACE inhibitors  
  6. Coronary steal phenomenon  
  7. Pharmacological basis of using GTN for treatment of angina pectoris
  8. Name the drugs used in treatment of chronic angina pectoris. describe mechanism of action, adverse effect and mode of administration of any one of them
  9. Describe the mechanism of action of bile acid binding raisins in hyperlipidemia
  10. Enumerate the drugs in angina. discuss mechanism of action and uses of nitrates
  11. Angiotensin receptor blocker in hypertension 
  12. Mention route and doses of drugs used in acute attack of angina 
  13. Drugs for hypertensive emergencies 
  14. Mention route and doses of drugs used in acute attack of angina.
  15. Enumerate calcium channel blockers describe their therapeutic uses.
  16. Status of enalapril in patients of essential hypertension 
  17. Guidelines for using Diuretics in heart failure.  
  18. Enumerate the drugs used in treatment of hypertension. describe mechanism of action mode of administration and important adverse effect  of any two such drugs
  19. Pharmacological basis of atorvastatin in hyperlipidemia 
  20. Pharmacological basis of nitroglycerine for angina pectoris
  21. K sparing diuretics should not be given along with ace inhibitors
  22. Vasodilators and diuretics are useful agents in treatment of congestive heart failure
  23. ACE inhibitors in diabetic nephropathy                              
  24. Statins in hyperlipidemia      
  25. Clopidogril in treatment of myocardial infarction       
  26. Enalapril and triamterene combination is contraindicated  
  27. Enalapril in congestive heart failure   
  28. Classify antihypertensive drugs. describe briefly mechanism of action and current therapeutic status    
  29. Nitroglycerin            
  30. Streptokinase         

Drugs acting on Kidney

  1. Rational of combining furosemide with spironolactone          
  2. Mechanism of action of antihypertensive action of thiazides    
  3. Desmopressin is used in some patient of nocturnal enuresis    
  4. Furosemide in left ventricular failure    
  5. Furosemide        
  6. Describe loop diuretics in detail    
  7. Spironolactone as a diuretic        
  8. Thiazide in diabetes insipidus     

Drugs affecting Blood

  1. Mention name of the oral and parenteral iron preparation and their indications
  2. Warfarin   
  3. Uses of iron preparations   
  4. Difference between heparin and warfarin   
  5. Indications of streptokinase administration     
  6. Compare conventional with low molecular weight heparin 
  7. Clinical status of warfarin      
  8. Name antiplatelet drugs how do they act   
  9. low molecular weight heparin in deep vein thrombosis  
  10. Low molecular weight heparin     
  11. Parenteral iron therapy          
  12. Enoxaparin       
  13. ferrous sulphate    
  14. Oral anticoagulants   

GIT Drugs

  1. Magnesium and aluminum salts are combined in an antacid preparation   
  2. Omeprazole    
  3. PPI            
  4. Role of glucose in ORS powder  
  5. Role of sucralfate in peptic ulcer   
  6. Omeprazole can cause prolonged and complete suppression of gastric acid than ranitidine/ famotidine    
  7. Treatment of h pylori infection should be done in patient of peptic ulcer  
  8. Drug combination used in h pylori infection   
  9. What is ondansetron mention it uses      
  10. Drug used in treatment of peptic ulcer describe mechanism of action adverse effect of these drugs     
  11. Treatment of motion sickness   
  12. Two uses and two side effects of – magnesium sulphate  – ondansetron       

Antimicrobial Agents 

  1. Mechanism of action and adverse drug reaction of artemisinin group of drugs  
  2. Drugs used in anaerobic infection
  3. Indications of clarithromycin    
  4. Acyclovir in treatment of herpes simplex viral infection   
  5. Discuss the chemoprophylaxis of malaria  
  6. Prevention of bacterial resistance  
  7. Name two drugs used for treatment of AIDS 
  8. Pediatric preparation of tetracycline not available in market        
  9. HAART                   
  10. Rifampicin              
  11. Acyclovir                
  12. Vancomycin           
  13. Amikacin                
  14. Amphotericin          
  15. Acute amoebiasis   
  16. Chloramphenicol     
  17. Explain the mechanism of action of fluoroquinolones as antimicrobial     
  18. Treatment of mixed worm infestation   
  19. What are lepra reactions how are they treated    
  20. What is the rational for combining ampicillin with sulbactam  
  21. Uses of metronidazole   
  22. Why is pyridoxine given to patients who are on treatment with isoniazid
  23. Describe treatment of multi bacillary leprosy     
  24. Beta lactamase inhibitors                                 
  25. Describe role of cephalosporin in treatment of enteric fever  
  26. Pharmacotherapy of chloroquine resistant malaria     
  27. Pharmacological basis of use of benzathine penicillin in syphilis  
  28. Drug treatment of extraintestinal amoebiasis        
  29. Pharmacological features of fluoroquinolones    
  30. Protease inhibitors        
  31. Rational of combination of imipenem and cilastatin in therapy  
  32. Therapeutic status of fluconazole as antifungal agent   
  33. Pharmacological basis for the use of metronidazole in anaerobic infection  
  34. rationality or irrationality on combined use of rifampicin and oral contraceptives  
  35. Mention drug therapy for falciparum malaria     
  36. Management of lepromatous leprosy         
  37. Loading dose of chloroquine used in malaria treatment      
  38. Antibiotic resistance        
  39. Discuss misuse of antibiotics        
  40. Chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis  
  41. Enumerate extended spectrum penicillin describe their therapeutic use    
  42. Adverse effect of chloroquine enumerate precautions and contraindications for it use in clinical practice             
  43. Describe importance of azithromycin in clinical practice   
  44. Drugs used in anaerobic bacterial infection discuss their adverse effect and contraindication                                        
  45. Describe mechanism of action and adverse effect of isoniazid  
  46. Fluoroquinolones       
  47. Third generation cephalosporins    
  48. Zidovudine in HIV infection        
  49. Pyrantel pamoate in hookworm infection  
  50. Treatment of scabies    
  51. Mebendazole in worm infestation   
  52. Sodium stibogluconate     
  53. Nitrofurantoin as urinary antiseptic     
  54. Drugs used in pseudomembranous colitis   
  55. Beta lactamase inhibitors      
  56. Drugs used in chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria    
  57. Gentamicin               
  58. Super infection /Supra infection       
  59. Griseofulvin                 
  60. Metronidazole            
  61. Cotrimoxazole as anti infective agent      
  62. Classify and enumerate antimicrobial agents effective against gram-negative bacterial infections. Discuss the mechanism of action, adverse effects, precautions and uses of gentamicin    
  63. Pharmacological basis of corticosteroids in treatment of tuberculosis      
  64. Pharmacological basis of artemisinin derivatives in treatment of malaria  
  65. Prevention of bacterial resistance    
  66. Drug treatment of UTI          
  67. Uses of interferons as antiviral therapy   
  68. DOTS therapy                       
  69. Combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid   
  70. Sparfloxacin      
  71. Terbinafine         
  72. Surgical chemoprophylaxis               
  73. Treatment of acute attack of plasmodium vivax malaria   

Miscellaneous plus cancer

  1. Drug drug treatment of acne vulgaris                                        
  2. What are chelating agents give two examples                         
  3. Role of chelating agents in heavy metal poisoning                  
  4. Dimercaprol in arsenic poisoning                                              
  5. Describe mechanism of action of B A L in heavy metal toxicity  
  6. Desferroxamine                            
  7. Deferiprone                                   
  8. Tamoxifen in carcinoma breast    
  9. Imatinib                                         
  10. Methotrexate as an antineoplastic agent                     
  11. Leucovorin in patient of high dose methotrexate         
  12. Mesna in patient on cyclophosphamide                      
  13. Write mechanism of action and important use of cetrimide  (also read ethanol as antiseptic as it is thoroughly used during Covid-19 pandemic)
  14. Vitamin D
  15. Vitamin C                                                                        
  16. T/t of scabies