Fill in the blanks of year 2022 DEC (Main) Exam RUHS


(a) Enalapril inhibits the enzyme ________________(Angiotensin converting enzyme)

(b) A highly lonized drug is ______________________  by the kidney. (Excreted)  

(c) A drug that competes for active binding site is called ___________________(Competitive inhibitor)

(d) Phase 4 clinical trials collect information especially about ______________ (rare and long-term adverse effects)

(e) Beta-blocker with peripheral vasodilator action is ______________________Labetalol (Third generation beta blockers)

(f) The preferred prophylactic drug for a 34 years old female suffering from mania is _____________Sodium valproate / Divalproex


a) Ivabradine is indicated in management of   ____________________(Chronic stable angina)

b) Raloxifene is used in the management of    ____________________(osteoporosis in postmenopausal women)

c) Bivacizumab is used in the treatment of      ____________________ (metastatic colorectal cancer)

d) Treatment for iron poisoning is                     ____________________(desferrioxamine -Acute iron poisoning)

e) Drug of choice in paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is _____________(Adenosine)

f) Drug of choice for cyclophosphamide toxicity is ______________________(Mesna)

MCQ of year 2022 DEC (Main) Exam RUHS


(i) Which of the following is used in the treatment of alzheimer's disease:

(a) Dronabinol         

(b) Donepezil             

(c) Domperidone                   

(d) Dobutamine

 (b) Donepezil  - it is an anticholinesterase drug with longer duration of action 


(ii) Which of the following is not a prodrug:

(a) Dipivefrine         

(b) Enalepril             

(c) Phenytoin                         

(d) Sulfasalazine

(c) Phenytoin


(iii) Which of the following drug has highest anticholinergic effect:

(a) Fexofenadine       

(b) Cinnarizine             

(c) Promethazine                 

(d) Cetrizine

(c) Promethazine 


(iv) Features of opioid intake are all except:

(a) Feeling of relaxation       

(b) Euphoria             

(c) Analgesia                   

(d) Dilated pupil

(d) Dilated pupil - Morphine produces miosis resuling in characteristic pinpoint pupil in high doses.


(i) Gastric lavage is contraindicated in

(a) Salicylate poisoning                                                       

(b) Kerosene poisoning

(c) OP poisoning                                                                   

(d) Morphine poisoning

(b) Kerosene poisoning


(ii) The drug obtained from plant digitalis is used for the treatment of

(a) Malaria                         

(b) Heart Failure                   

(c) MI                   

(d) Iridocyclitis

(b) Heart Failure 


(iii) A 30 year old female was treated with an antihypertensive drug and presented with hirstuism. The likely drug was

(a) Fenoldopam                   

(b) Methydopa                 

(c) Minoxidil                 

(d) Enalapril

(c) Minoxidil- not used orally as antihypertensive now a days due to mentioned side effect. Currently use it topically (2% twice daily) to promotes hair growth in male pattern baldness 


(iv) The following drugs cause methemoglobinemia

(a) Aniline                               

(b) Dapsone                   

(c) Nitrates                 

(d) All of above

(d) All of above


Fill in the blanks of year 2022 JAN (Main) Exam RUHS

Paper -1

(a) Aspirin inhibit target enzyme _____________(Cyclo-oxygenase)  


(b) A 30 year old male suffering from cerebral edema best treated with _____________(Mannitol)  


(c) A young man of 24 years is suffering from generalized anxiety disorder name the preferred drug____________ Fluvoxamine(SSRI) Kindly note-Benzodiazepines is used in acute attack of generalized anxiety disorde,SSRI, SNRI are used for sustained long term control


(d) Therapeutic index is an assessment of________________ (Saftey of drug)   To read more about Theraputic index, Click here and go to topic Theraputic index


(e) Local anaesthetic agents causing methemoglobinemia_________________(Prilocaine)


(f) Dissociative anaesthesia caused by___________________________ (Ketamine)



(a) A young girl of 20 years has taken a suicidal overdose of digoxin, the drug of choice in treatment will be ____________Digibind (orphan drug to treat digoxin toxicity)

(b) An aminoglycoside is used in hepatic coma _________________(Neomysin) also an important explain why question (click here and read Why neomysin is used in hepatic coma)

(c) A 35 year old patient having severe pain along the right side jaw & face best choice for this neuralgic pain __________Carbamazepine (it is a case of pain in trigeminal neuralgia and Drug of choice is Carbamezapine)

(d) Drug of choice for malaria during pregnancy ____________ (Chloroquine or Quinine)

(e) Prolong treatment with INH (Isoniazid) leads to deficiency of ________________ Vitamin B6  (Pyridoxine)

(f) The drug of choice of Kala azar is ________________(Liposomal Amphotericin B injection intravenously as per OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES ON KALA-AZAR (VISCERAL LEISHMANIASIS) ELIMINATION IN INDIA - 2015) as per textbooks you can write Sodium stibogluconate also)

MCQ of year 2022 JAN (Main) Exam RUHS

Paper -1

(i) Xenon anaesthesia all are true except:

(a) Slow induction and recovery

(b) Non explosive

(c) Minimal cardiovascular side effects

(d) Low blood solubility

(a) Slow induction and recovery Xenon is an inert gas, very close to an ideal anesthetic having rapid induction and rapid recovery


(ii) Drug of choice for acute gout is:

(a) Colchicine

(b) Indomethacin           

(c) Allopurinol                   

(d) Dexamethasone

 (a) Clochicine is used in acute gout while Allopurinol is used in Chronic gout


(iii) The drug not used in acute asthma:

(a) Salbutamol     

(b) Ipratropium           

(c) Montelukast                     

(d) Hydrocortisone

(c) Montelucast is Leucotrine receptor antagonist, used for prophylaxis of Asthma


(iv) Dextromethorphan is an:

(a) Antihistamine           

(b) Antitussive             

(c) Expectorant             

(d) Anti-allergic

(b) Antitussive, Dextrometharphan is synthetic opioid derivative used as centrally acting antitussssive (used in dry cough) 



(i) Drug of choice for central diabetes insipidus is

(a) Desmopressin       

(b) Leuprolide           

(c) Thiazide diuretics                     

(d) Insulin

(a) Desmopressin - For details go to Theory section - Renal Pharmacology - Diabetes insipidus (or click here)


(ii) Finasteride act by blocking

(a) α-receptors           

(b) 5-α reductase enzyme           

(c) Androgen receptors             

(d) ẞ- receptors

(b) 5-α reductase enzyme  - Finesteride inhibit this enzyme and used in Benign prostae Hypertrophy (BPH)


(iii) Ethambutol causes

(a) Retrobulbar neuritis   

(b) Deafness           

(c) Red urine             

(d) Peripheral neuritis

(a) Retrobulbar neuritis 


(iv) Dose limiting toxicity of Amphotericin – B is

(a) Infusion related reaction           

(b) Renal tubular acidosis           

(c) Myelosuppression       

(d) Hypotension. 

(b) Renal tubular acidosis - Amphoteresin B causes nephrotoxicity menifested as Renal tubular acidosis